What can Genshin Impact Make One Step More?

Whalen Li
5 min readOct 29, 2020

In our previous blog, we mentioned cognitive differences and the impact of gacha games on the new market. Today we will further discuss the Genshin Impact game and what changes need to be made to the game?

Gaming Experience after One Week

In the first week, during nearly 5 hours of playtime per day, I successfully reached the 33 adventure rank. The game’s overall story is compact, and there are a lot of things you can’t finish before level 30. For example, there are not only a large amount of treasure chests waiting for you in every corner but also many treasure chests and collection tasks are waiting for players to complete during the main storyline. Compared with similar gacha games, Genshin Impact has more than one grade higher in art, painting style, and picture quality. The game also allows players to explore their own play styles through the free switching of characters and maximize the online combination of roles to maximize the team’s DPS.

Moreover, unlike other similar games, the role positioning is excellent. The characters’ level is not the only decisive factor for the output; instead, players can rely on the cooperation of character attributes to beat enemies. Furthermore, since there is no PVP mode in the game, the comparison between players is eliminated, and therefore players will not feel pressure from other players in the game. However, after level 30, when the main storyline began to dry up, the current problems of Genshin Impact have emerged.


Although compared with competing gacha games, Genshin Impact is definitely much better. However, the later stage’s gaming format made me feel that there was nothing to do in the game. All the same kinds of games have original resin limitations. But most games will choose to adjust the original resin limitation in their game. The upper limit of original resin will also increase with the adventure rank increasing, allowing players to collect more materials for characters and weapons enhancement. However, the upper limit of 120 original resin seriously limits the players’ daily game time. A 40-point original resin consumption means that my daily game time will shorten to 10–20 minutes. I think this is not only a nightmare for gamers but also for miHoYo. In addition, the acquisition of primogems has gradually become a problem after completing all tasks and the storyline. Below is the frequency of my pull. It is not difficult to see that the time interval is getting longer and longer. For F2P players, apart from the 60 primogems obtained from daily missions, there are basically no other methods. Nevertheless, imagine who doesn’t want to get the S tier role early and show off in front of friends and gaming communities?

Another problem is the content of the game. Currently, the story in the game is very coherent, and players can follow the development of the story to explore the world. However, the lack of volume has already caused problems in Genshin Impact itself. Just imagine, if the game gave me more things to do, I wouldn’t care so much about the original resin limitation problem mentioned before. It is because there are no tasks to do that make me want to give up this game slowly. Therefore, I consider that the game’s update speed is also an important issue that needs to be considered.

Further Development and Recommendation

Although the production team has increased the upper limit of the original resin limitation and reduced the total demand for weekly tasks in the latest developer discussion, I think it can be more suitable for the game itself instead of this official limit. For example, original resin limitation should be adjusted with the increase of adventure rank or the level of Statue of The Seven, which might be a better incentive for players to explore and enrich the game’s existing volume. Moreover, I think that Genshin Impact can also consider adding a home system, allowing players to build their homes, plant domestic materials, and invite friends to visit.

Genshin Valley may become a good idea

I understand that miHoYo needs to limit the number of primogems in order to encourage players to purchase; while I consider that the company can make it smarter. Take another example of my favorite game-Valorant. During the Beta test period, Valorant used the Twitch beta key drop way to continuously attract more players and stay top of the Twitch in early April. In this marketing event, players have obtained the Beta key of the game they are looking forward to, Valorant has also gained a high degree of attention, and the Twitch platform gained a great deal of traffic. Although the game types are completely different, the promotion model can still be applied for reference. Therefore, I consider that miHoYo can take this experience to cooperate with Twitch and some famous anchors. By distributing primogems through the live broadcast to meet the needs of F2P players, miHoYo can also further expand the Genshin Impact influence. I believe that players will definitely contribute to the live broadcast in order to obtain rough stones for free.

Twitch viewer’s report on April 6, 2020

All these thoughts are with the passion of Genshin Impact itself, and I hope that the official can realize these problems and solve them in time. Only through effectively and frequently updating game content can attract more players to enjoy their experience in the Genshin Impact world.

Here is the link for the previous blog that mainly talks about the marketing performance and recognization differents: https://li-jingy.medium.com/genshin-impact-and-gacha-game-dde4e1518e53

Thank you for reading.



Whalen Li

Gamer currently studying at NYU as an Integrated Marketing graduate student. ✨